Hey there!
So I made a big
leap today: I moved from my WordPress
blog site to Blogger!
It’s not easy to
import all of my previous posts, so I haven’t checked that off my list, and I
also haven’t gotten a blog makeover (yet), but I figured I’d get the ball
rolling with a fun introductory post first!
If you’ve been
following my Instagram
account, you’ll know that I am presenting a Fabric Craft Camp this week to several
sweet 8-13 year old girls. I wanted to show them how to make the adorable weaving creatures
that I found on Pinterest. But unfortunately, the link was broken. I like to
think I’m crafty, but with only one photo to go by, I couldn’t figure out
myself how to make them. Luckily, I found another pin * that linked to a Bulgarian site. With a
click of one button, the site was translated for me, and I was off!
I took a box of
cereal, cut it into pieces about 2.5”X5” using a scrapbook paper cutter.
I folded the ends
over about a centimeter or so wide, to create a space under the doll to weave
the floss or yarn (I used embroidery floss).
Once folded, I cut
four slits into each end, being sure not to cut all the way through.
Starting with the
first slit, I wound string around the cardboard, securing it in each slit as I
wrapped around. I tied the ends in the back.
I tied the floss around the first string, and began weaving across, continuing down several rows. Each time I changed colors (I did one color for the “hair,” one for the face, one for a shirt, and the last color for pants), I knotted the pieces of floss together and tucked the knot in the back.
For the pants, I
wove floss several rows across, then all the way down one side using only two
strings. For the other pant leg, I knotted a new piece of floss in the same
color to the top of the leg, and began weaving down the second leg, again using
only two strings.
When I completed
these steps, I cut the strings along the center on the back of the board, and
tied each pair of strings together (two strings for each leg, and two strings
at each corner at the top of the head) to secure the floss. I added arms using extra string tied to each side.
The finishing touch
is adding googly eyes and a button to give my doll a personality! One camper made
her doll identical to mine… Can you tell which doll is hers and which
is mine?
*The link above
works if you prefer to see the original blog post on how to make fabric weaving
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